If you are looking at building your own home the finance options are a little more specialised.

Having worked within one of Townsville's premium developments for some time now, we have become attuned to the extra detail, policy and procedure involved in construction finance.

Whether you own your own block or are still finding the most suited piece of land, we can help you build your dream home or well planned investment.

When you need construction finance advice, call us. Anytime. Anyday.

Call (07) 4723 6000.

Stockland - North Shore



Huggable Home Loans has been exclusively commissioned by Stockland Home Finance to work within the North Shore Development for clients' finance solutions.

Stockland is Australia's leading diversified property group and we are very happy to be associated with them.  

If you are considering building in the Townsville region, North Shore should be on the top of your list of places to visit. If you would like to go and see what is going on, please contact me and I can introduce you to one of the very friendly and experienced sales staff.

Your Home Building Toolkit (Thanks to Stockland)

The idea of creating a home that is perfectly designed to meet the needs of your family is hard to beat.

To help you, we have created a series of fact sheets to guide you through the 10 key steps of a typical building project.

This will arm you with good information and handy hints to encourage you to ask the important questions and prompt you to consider the critical decisions.

Simply contact me here and I will forward you a copy of the toolkit.